Who we are
Google's Women Techmakers program provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology.
Our Mission
Women Techmakers is dedicated to helping all women thrive in tech through community, visibility and resources
Our Vision
Women thriving in technology
Our Community
We offer a safe place where you can grow and learn new skills
Would you like to learn more about the global program?
That's right Women Techmakers is Google's Global program for women in technology
Our Upcoming Events
Want to get in on the fun, join us for one of our upcoming events. We would love to see you there.
Welcome to Women Techmakers in 60 Seconds! This series is hosted by women techmakers, both from within and outside Google. The goal of these episodes is to explain topics and technologies in a quick and concise format. We hope you enjoy it.
WTM Modesto Channel
WTM Global Channel
Our Recent Photos
Take a look at some of the wonderful community events we have been involved in.
What Our Community Says
WTM Ambassadors
Get to know our community members